How is an instance made?

Hello everyone, today I come to speak in English how we should make an instance.

I have done with my group, a video tutorial that explains (in Spanish) how we have to make an instance, but here I will explain what is an instacia and the parts it should contain.
Then, an instance is an application submitted in writing according to the formulas determined, especially that addressed to an authority or institution.
Once clarified the issue of what is an instance, I will tell you the parts that must contain this instance:
Title of the authority to whom the instance is addressed; for example: "Ilmo: Mr." followed by a full stop.
Heading with the personal data of the applicant and finally in capital letters "EXPOSE:" separated from those data; For example: "Celedonio Iturbide Carreter, 19 years old, domiciled in Caspe, Calle del Compromiso, No. 90, 2nd left, with DNI 6147241 F and elementary bachelor's degree obtained at the IES" María de Gracia " Granada in 2001 ... EXHIBITS: "
Statement of facts or legal grounds, in various paragraphs preceded by "That" and finally, separated in a separate line and in capital letters, "REQUEST:". For example: "That in the BOE of April 24 a scholarship call appears." "That he believes that he meets the precise conditions for opting for one, as evidenced by the following attached documents (...), for all of which ... REQUEST:"
Application itself. For example: "That he be admitted as a participant in the contest called and be granted one of these scholarships"
Place and date of the instance
Name of the signatory, place and date of the instance. For example: "Celedonio Iturbide Carreter, in Vicálvaro, on June 3, 2015."
Position of the authority to which the instance is addressed in capitals or small caps, in a segregated paragraph or separated from the rest at the foot of the document, the. For example: "ILMO, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, MADRID."

Here you have the video tutorial.

Thank you very much for losing a bit of your wonderful time. 

Regards and until next time!
